Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am an alternative health practitioner and I'd like to know what your greatest concerns are-?

toxic chemicals in food, water, air (and fear in the air:%26gt;) and personal care products, lack of awareness about alternatives to the Western health model, emotional (dis)-stress, loss of nutritive value in our food due to depleted soil, anything. What would you all most like to learn about re. your health, responsibility for it etc. How much responsibility do you think the typical American wants to take for their health? What causes the most discomfort--physical, emotional, mental etc.

I want to be able to put together a survey for visitors to my website and thought that a large community like this one would be able to give me lots of input.

I really appreciate the time and thought you put into this.

I am an alternative health practitioner and I'd like to know what your greatest concerns are-?
Geez, where do i start!! Everything you've already mentioned ...... our food is substandard and "preserved" with a diabolical amount of chemicals, our water is "preserved" and chlorinated and fluoridated to within an inch of it's life, our personal care products are heavily laden with "preserving" chemicals, our stress levels are generally through the roof and people think the best way to deal with stress is to anaethatise themselves with either grog/antidepressants/drugs ........ all of which rob us of essential nutrients and vitamins and minerals ....... we are polluting our environment at an alarming rate and will more than likely leave a miserable mess for our grandkids (more likely our kids) to cope with............ our world is an unholy mess and pretty much anything that you can put out there that addresses any of these issues will have a huge impact. Sorry, i ramble and i've digressed .......... dealing with stress issues and information on how important it is to hydrate your body with "fresh" %26amp; "clean water" free from chlorination and fluoride would be a good place to start i reckon.

A world without stress and dehydration would be a fabulous place to start.... :0)


Reply:I am an electric therapist here in the Philippines,I can treat or rehab patients candidate for bypass operation,if the patient chooses not to undergo bypass operation she or he can try electric therapy .Some people want to try alternative therapy maybe I could be of help,not only stroke patients even if you are suffering from rheumatism,muscle pains,insomia etc..electric therapy maybe the answer .Please feel free to email at .
Reply:I would be willing to do a poll or survery if you put one up on your website and tell me how to get there.

I can be emailed.
Reply:I believe that the nutritional value of food in general is depleted by pollution, chemicals in the soil, preservative methods, over-cooking foods (microwaves) - and we generally receive 35% less nutritional value compared to 30 years ago. Too many commercialized crops forcing the little guys out of business.

I also believe that the pharmacy companies are making billions of dollars promoting the "sickness industry." I, for one, don't want to be tied to 'maintenance prescriptions' for the rest of my life.

I am not sick, but did research on alternative methods to up my nutrition. I am taking Himalayan Goji Juice which provides all of the necessary nutrition that our body requires in order to maintain my health. It absorbs directly into my system, and I am feeling better than ever!

Three cheers to the forthcoming "Wellness Industry!"
Reply:I am concerned with everything you mentioned but a big concern for me is how the pharmaceudical companies push the drugs to the Doctors that prescribe them and then they turn out to do more harm than good.I don't trust prescription drugs and therefore turn to alternative medicine.Besides the rising cost of even going to a doctor is scary.I went to a Doctor for a blood test the other day and it was $200.00.I would like to know all the new things that can be done so we can take care of our own health.I truly believe alot of our problems are due to some kind of deficiencies in our diet and the toxins added to it.
Reply:You seem to be a pretty sharp individual. Natural remedies is the way to go! . You will be amazed since you practice alternative health.
Reply:I love the concept of people taking personal responsibility for their health, with advice from people like you. The biggest problem is philospohical in nature. If you HAVE a disease, people understand going to the doctor and taking pills. But when they DON'T have a disease they have trouble getting the motivation to take appropriate preventive measures. To me preventive measures should be "the moral equivalent of war" because the price of not doing this stuff is exceedingly high. For instance, every cell in your body has the potential of becoming cancerous if your immune system becomes compromised. But when you start talking about this stuff people accuse you of being a paranoid fearmonger, tell you to lighten up and get a life. I don't mind because I will quietly get my revenge by outliving them by many years.

I hope you diligently research and promote getting enough Vitamin D from sunlight. I have read dozens of articles online pointing to Vitamin D as a preventative for virtually every major killer disease. Mainstream medicine is grudingly acknowledging its effect but it is obvious they don't like such a powerful agent for good health that cuts them out of the loop. But as an alternative practicioner this should be right up your alley.

Most people in my circle of friends understand it is up to them to make proper lifestyle choices to PREVENT disease rather than paying the doctor to close the barn door after the horse escaped.

Best of luck with your website and your mission.
Reply:If the soil was depleted.. how can the food grow?

We eat what the plant gets out of the soil, it doesn't matter how bad the soil is depleted.

The only thing I'm concerned about is pesticides.

In Mexico they use the stuff that's banned here in the states, then ship the food here.

This has to stop or they have to stop using that crap.

deodorant stains

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